Before You Proceed
If you have previously started an application, please select “Edit an Existing Application” to prevent loss of information. If you have not already started your application, please proceed by selecting “Start a New Application.”
If you have previously started an application, please select “Edit an Existing Application” to prevent loss of information. If you have not already started your application, please proceed by selecting “Start a New Application.”
The Duke Endowment has redesigned the grant application process to be more streamlined and intuitive. We believe this new process will strengthen our work together in the future.
The new application consists of eight questions. Once your online application is completed, an automated response will confirm that it was received. Health Care staff will contact you should any questions arise during our review. If you wish, preview the application questions before starting online.
Application deadlines for Health Care grants are June 15 and December 15. The application portal will open approximately eight weeks prior to these deadlines. Applications cannot be accepted outside of these dates.
In his Indenture of Trust, our founder focused Health Care funding to priority organizations in the Carolinas. Examples include:
Access to essential health care services is critical to good health, yet vulnerable populations in the Carolinas face a variety of barriers. We are interested in supporting access-expanding projects for underserved populations such as racial minorities and rural residents. Health Care also funds 30 AccessHealth networks (by invitation only) to increase access to essential services for low-income uninsured adults.
Significant health disparities fuel poor maternal and infant health outcomes for women of color and women in rural communities. Health Care will support evidence-based programs and models that prioritize reducing health disparities and improving maternal and infant health outcomes.
Research has shown that early identification and treatment of mental health conditions can significantly improve overall health and well-being. The Endowment is interested in supporting models of care that increase access to quality mental health services and prevention programs with a specific emphasis on pediatric mental health care.
Millions of adults and children do not receive essential oral health services each year, leading to poor health outcomes and lower quality of life. To broaden access to care and reduce oral health disparities in children, The Duke Endowment is helping school-based oral health programs (by invitation only) expand, including investments in advocacy and policy reform efforts.
Research suggests environmental factors and personal behaviors carry a far more significant impact on population health outcomes than clinical care. These social determinants of health hold the keys to addressing America’s high rates of obesity and chronic disease. Our Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas initiative uses regional community coalitions to help address these upstream drivers of health.
Given the many efforts underway to improve population health and reduce disparities in health outcomes, there is a need for a community-based workforce that serves as a liaison between health care, social services, and the community, including individuals with relevant lived experience, such as community health workers.