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Social Media Guidelines - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Use these social media protocols, tips and best practices to help ensure consistency and a collective voice across all the coalitions.
Logo (JPG Version) - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
All Healthy People, Healthy Carolina logos saved as PNG files. PNGs are pixel-based and best used on websites, social media or within presentations. PNGs support image transparency — meaning logos will blend seamlessly into existing background colors or images. PNGs cannot be enlarged from their original size without image pixilation and should only be used at 100% size or less.
Logo (Adobe Illustrator) - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
All Healthy People, Healthy Carolina logos saved as Adobe Illustrator files (.ai file extension). AI files are vector-based and best used on printed pieces. AI files contain the same information as EPS or PDF files but require at least the same version of Adobe Illustrator to open as it was created it. Since AI files can be enlarged from their original size without image pixilation, they can be made larger or smaller than the original size.
Brochure Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Bi-fold, two-sided, Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas brochure template that can be customized in Microsoft PowerPoint with your organization's messaging, contact information, logo and other content.
Flyer Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Two options for an 8.5" x 11", single-sided, Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas flyer template that can be customized in Microsoft PowerPoint with your organization's messaging, contact information, logo and other content.
Business Card Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
2" x 3.5" Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas business card templates that can be customized in Microsoft PowerPoint with your organization's contact information and website.
E-mail Signature Guidelines - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Suggested guidelines and format for a Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas e-mail signature.
General Letter Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
General letterhead template with the Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas logo that can be customized in Microsoft Word with your organization's content and contact information.
Poster Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Two tabloid-sized poster template options that can be customized in Microsoft PowerPoint with custom content and logos.
PowerPoint Presentation Template - Healthy People Healthy, Carolinas
PowerPoint presentation template in all Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas brand colors with multiple slide layout options.
Table Tent Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
Two table tent template options that can be customized in Microsoft PowerPoint and printed on 11" x 17" tabloid paper (fits two table tents per sheet). The finished size of each when cut is 4.5” x 17”.
Newsletter Template - Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas
A newsletter template that can be modified in Microsoft PowerPoint with custom content, graphics, images and logos. Easily save the file as a PDF to share electronically.