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N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services Releases Statewide Early Childhood Action Plan
North Carolina officials outlined their new Early Childhood Action Plan for improving outcomes for young children.
Dental Clinic grant launches school-based oral health program.
Stanly County Dental Clinic receives a $65,000 grant to launch a school-based oral health program.
Grant to McLeod Health Foundation Will Help Chronic Illness Sufferers
The McLeod Health Foundation received a $261,850 grant to establish a community paramedicine program in Marlboro County.
Coalition Receives Duke Endowment Grant to Improve Health in Georgetown County
A coalition of community partners has received a $450,000 grant to help improve health in Georgetown County.
Family Connects Program Garners National Publicity on CBS News
Unique program developed at Duke University sends nurses into the homes of new, often nervous, parents.
Supporting Maternal & Infant Health
The Health Care program area seeks to improve maternal and infant health outcomes and reduce health disparities.
Advancing Mental Health Services
The lack of access to mental health and substance abuse treatment services throughout the Carolinas significantly impacts the health of individuals, families and communities. The Health Care program area seeks to identify service delivery models that promote mental health and well-being for adults, adolescents and children, with a priority on holistic approaches to early intervention and treatment.
Strengthening the Health Care Workforce
Over 90 percent of counties in the Carolinas have at least one partial designation as a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). The Health Care program area seeks to ensure an adequate diverse workforce that can address critical shortage areas, maldistribution of staff and support new complementary personnel models.
Zero to Eight Overview
In this video, The Duke Endowment President Rhett Mabry explains our emphasis on Early Childhood.
James B. Duke: Spirit of Genius, Legacy of Hope
This flyer provides an historical look at the man who laid the foundation to support the legacy that perseveres to this day at The Duke Endowment.