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A Word from Our President: Renewed Strategies for the Journey Ahead
Rhett Mabry shares reflections and insights coming out of the organization-wide effort to renew grantmaking strategies and create measurable impact on the lives and communities of the Carolinas.
Using a Collective Impact Model in Communities to Improve the Physical Environment
The physical environment—the places where individuals live, work, and play—can cause or prevent serious health conditions including chronic diseases and obesity. In North Carolina, the Collective Impact Model serves as the foundation on which multisector community coalitions can address environmental and policy barriers for improved health.
A Multi-Year Evidence Building Partnership: The Duke Endowment Summer Literacy Initiative
This March 2022 report by Project Evident shows how The Duke Endowment is using evidence to build and scale a summer literacy program in rural communities.
Endowment Awards $10 Million Grant to Duke Law School
The Duke Endowment has given a $10 million grant to Duke University to create new financial aid opportunities in the Law School and help remove economic barriers for students to study law and launch their careers.
New S.C. Initiative Aims to Reduce the Need for Foster Care
S.C. leaders have announced Connected Families, a new public-private initiative to prevent child maltreatment, strengthen families, and improve mental health outcomes for families involved in child welfare services.